Blog Hacks: Grammarly

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Do you write things for school, your blog, or business? Have you heard of Grammarly? If you have, then you already know of its awesomeness. If not, keep reading, because this is basically a lifesaver for writers everywhere.

What is it?

According to Grammarly, it is “the world’s leading automated proofreader. It checks for more than 250 types of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors, enhances vocabulary usage, and suggests citations.” In my own words, it’s basically the extra set of eyes that makes suggestions about how to improve everything I’m writing. The tool allows me to see the edits that it suggests, but it doesn’t automatically correct them, either. It’s kind of the best.

How does it work?

It’s an online tool, so it’s really simple and you can use it on any computer. You can simply copy and paste your text on the Grammarly website, or you can download one of the FREE browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. I use the Chrome extension and anytime I’m typing in a text box, I can see the Grammarly icon. That icon lets me know that it’s checking my writing – this includes emails, THIS BLOG POST RIGHT NOW, or surveys and comment boxes. It also checks word count, if that sort of thing matters to you!

What does it cost?

The basic version of Grammarly is free. YES! We love free around here, so that’s a plus in my book. However, if you are a hardcore grammar person and want the premium options, those are available. There are monthly, quarterly, and annual payment options to consider. Depending on your needs, this could be a great deal.

Why do I need it?

Because you want to be a better writer? Because you want to look smart on the internet? Because you want to get a better grade on a school assignment? Because you want to make sure your resume is grammatically correct? There are a plethora of ways for you to benefit from this free tool, so go check out Grammarly.

Do you use Grammarly? Have you tried any other grammar checkers or editing tools?

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