Five Blogs I Love

Five Blogs I Love

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Five Blogs I Love

More stuff I love!

I’ve been sharing Instagrams, TV shows, and movies that I love, so why not add blogs to that!? As a blogger, I think it’s always important to find some other blogs that you enjoy. It’s good to see what others are doing for inspiration or for advice when you need it. Running a blog is so much more than actually writing the posts and sharing them. Bloggers are a community of people, so we’re often commenting and sharing posts from other bloggers. These are some that I enjoy reading and learning from. They are about several different topics, but that’s the beauty of blogging – you can write about anything you’d like to write about! There are SO MANY options!

In no particular order, here are Five Blogs I Love!

Fitting It All In

Fitting It All In


Clare blogs about her life as a med student in St. Louis, MO. I’ve followed her blog for a while and it’s covered A LOT of life! From working, changing careers and going back to school, to moving, to teaching yoga, and just general days-in-the-life, it’s clear that there is a lot that goes into “Fitting It All In.” 🙂 I’ve always admired how open and honest she is with her story and experiences, which is something I’m always trying to do when I write.

Treble In the Kitchen

Treble In The Kitchen

I came across Tara’s blog when I was researching recipes and ideas during one of my rounds of Whole30. I was pleasantly surprised to find that she was local to Indianapolis at the time! I’m pretty sure she’s got a recipe for everything – baked goods, large items that would be great for parties, salads, and they’re mostly all really simple! I love that! If you’re looking to up your healthy eating game in a sustainable way, her recipes make it super easy.

Kayla Sloan

Kayla Sloan

Frugality, entrepreneurship, blogging, personal finance — it’s all here! I admire people who jettison from the full-time day job life to start their own businesses – whatever they might be. I’ve followed Kayla’s blog since she was an anonymous writer! She wrote a great post that went live today called Why I Think (Almost) All PF Bloggers Have Lost Sight of the Bigger Picture and it’s a great piece about why we blog – for sharing our stories? Or just for money? She also shares great resources about money and creating your own business, so I’m definitely subscribed for all of her updates.

Stefanie O’Connell

Stefanie O'Connell

I’m definitely a fan of Stefanie’s work – theatre person turned millennial money expert! Now THAT’S a combination! She’s written a book that’s very practical and simple, The Broke & Beautiful Life. I definitely recommend it as a primer to those who are trying to get their financial legs under them and learn about managing their money. She also makes a “Money Minute” video series that is quick and easy to digest if you can’t be bothered with reading a post! She keeps it simple and not overwhelming, so I’m a fan.

All Things Fam & Glam by Peta Murgatroyd

Peta Murgatroyd

Yes, Peta from Dancing with the Stars has a blog and I love it! Not only does she dance, but she talks about balancing family and career. She also covers health & wellness, motherhood, dancing on TV, relationships, etc. There’s plenty to read about! Plus, there are plenty of pics of her baby, Shai – who is seriously the cutest baby nugget. I’m super pumped to catch the Confidential Tour (with Maks & Val) in April!


Tell me in the comments: What blogs are YOU reading? What should I be checking out next?

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